Back and Lay your Way to Success

The Backing & Laying Strategy

Betting Exchanges have revolutionized sports betting not only because they allow players to bet on the outcome of sporting events, but also because they can act as bookmakers themselves. This offers unique opportunities for bettors to create winning strategies for consistent profit.


This is the traditional form of sports betting that most people are familiar with.

When you back a particular outcome on a betting exchange, your bet means that you believe this specific outcome will happen.

For example, let’s take the scenario where you are using a betting exchange platform, and there is an upcoming tennis match between Player A and Player B. You believe that Player A will win the match, so you want to place a bet on Player A.

In this scenario, you are a “backer” or a “punter”. You are wagering money on outcomes you believe will occur.

The Backing & Laying Strategy

Steps to Place a Back Bet

Select the Market

Select the Market

Go to the betting exchange platform and find the market of the tennis match between Player A and Player B.

Specify the Stake

Specify the Stake

Decide how much money you want to bet on this back bet. Let’s say you choose to stake $100.

Place the Back Bet

Place the Back Bet

Confirm your back bet by clicking the button on the betting exchange platform. This action means that you are betting $100 on Player A to win at odds of 2.0.

Choose your Selection

Choose your Selection

Choose Player A as the selection you want to back. You are betting on Player A to win the match.

Set the Odds

Set the Odds

You need to specify the odds at which you want to back Player A. The current back odds for Player A might be 2.0. This means that, if Player A wins, you will double your stake. So, you might choose to back Player A at odds of 2.0.

Wait for Match Outcome

Wait for Match Outcome

Once your back bet is accepted by another user who is willing to lay Player A at the odds you offered, your bet is matched.

Potential Outcomes of the Back Bet

Player A loses the tennis match

Player A loses the tennis match

In this case your back bet loses, and you lose your $100 stake. It goes to the user who accepted your back bet (the one who laid Player A).

Player A wins the match

Player A wins the match

In this case your back bet wins and you receive your initial $100 stake back plus a net profit of $100 (your stake multiplied by the odds of 2.0). So, you will have a total of $200 minus the commission fee charged by the exchange.

The Backing & Laying Strategy


Laying is a very unique feature of betting exchanges that allows the players to act as bookmakers instead of punters. As bookmakers, they offer odds to other bettors, essentially betting against a particular outcome.

When you “lay” an outcome, you are betting that it will NOT happen. If the outcome you have laid against indeed does not happen, you win your bet and you receive the stake of the person who backed that outcome. If, however, the outcome you have laid against does happen, you lose your bet and you must pay out the winnings to the bettor who backed it.
For example, let’s take the scenario of the same tennis match between Player A and Player B where you believe that Player A will NOT win the match, so you want to place a bet against Player A.

In this scenario, you are a “layer” or a “bookmaker”. You are wagering money on taking a contrarian position and bet on outcomes you believe will not occur.

Steps to Place a Lay Bet

Select the Market

Select the Market

Go to the betting exchange platform and find the market of the tennis match between Player A and Player B.

Specify the Stake

Specify the Stake

Decide how much money you want to risk on this lay bet. Let’s say you choose to stake $100.

Place the Lay Bet

Place the Lay Bet

Confirm your lay bet by clicking the button on the betting exchange platform. This action means that you offer odds of 3.0 for Player A not winning. Other users on the platform can then decide to accept your lay bet.

Choose your Selection

Choose your Selection

Choose Player A as the selection you want to lay. You are betting against Player A winning.

Set the Odds

Set the Odds

You need to specify the odds at which you are willing to lay Player A. The current back odds for Player A might be 3.0. This means that, if Player A wins, the backer will triple their stake. So, you might choose to lay Player A at odds of 3.0.

Wait for Match Outcome

Wait for Match Outcome

Once your lay bet is matched by another user who is willing to back Player A at the odds you offered, then you have taken on the role of the bookmaker.

Potential Outcomes of the Lay Bet

Player A loses the tennis match

Player A loses the tennis match

In this case you win the $100 stake from the backer who accepted your lay bet. This is your profit, minus the commission fee charged by the betting exchange.

2. Player A wins the match

2. Player A wins the match

in this case you must pay out the winnings to the backer who accepted your lay bet. The amount you pay out is determined by the odds you offered (in this case 3.0) and the backer’s stake.

Putting it simply, to back is to bet on something to happen, and to lay is to bet on something not to happen. The key difference is that when you back, you take on the role of the bettor hoping for a specific outcome, while when you lay, you take on the role of the bookie, accepting bets from others and assuming the risk related with the opposing outcome.

Switching between these roles, provides a unique and dynamic betting experience.

The Strategy: Backing & Laying

Now that you understand the basics, let’s see how the strategy of Backing and Laying works on betting exchanges.

Identify Opportunities

Identifying the right opportunities is the key to any successful sports betting strategy. How can you do it?

  1. Start by researching the sports or markets you are interested in. Understand the teams or the players, their recent performances, injuries, weather conditions, and any other relevant factors that can influence the outcome.

  2. Look for situations where you believe the odds offered by the betting exchange are higher than your own thoughts of the probability of the outcome to happen. The goal is to pick selections where you think the chances of winning are higher than implied by the odds.

  3. Give In-Play betting a try, because live betting markets often provide such unique opportunities. Watch the event as it happens and look for moments when the odds do not reflect the actual state of the game. Quick reactions and live data can be very valuable in spotting these opportunities.

  4. Focus on specific sports or markets that you have a deep understanding of. Specialization can give you an advantage in identifying opportunities that others might miss.
  1. Choose the outcome or team that you believe has a higher chance of winning or performing well. This will be your choice to back.

  2. Check the odds offered on the betting exchange for this outcome. You are looking for higher odds that you think underestimate the chances of your chosen outcome winning.

  3. Decide how much money you are willing to risk on this bet so you can determine your stake. Ensure that your stake aligns with your overall bankroll management strategy, which should limit the amount you wager on any single bet.

  4. Confirm your bet by entering the stake and odds into the betting exchange betslip. This means you are betting on your chosen outcome at the high odds you have identified.

Keep a close ey on the market and the odds for your chosen outcome. Remember that odds fluctuate based on the market, team news, and other factors, so be ready to react if the odds become more favorable.

Back at High Odds

The next step is to place a back bet at high odds.

Lay at Low Odds

After placing a back bet at high odds, the next step is to lay at lower odds. Here is how it works.

  1. Watch the odds for the same outcome you backed. The odds may change based on various factors as we mentioned before.

  2. When you notice that the odds for your selected outcome have become lower, it is time to place a lay bet against that outcome.

To create a balanced position, you need to adjust the stake and odds of your lay bet. The goal is to ensure that the potential profit from your lay bet compensates for any potential losses on your back bet if the outcome does not occur.

By doing this you minimize your overall risk. If you create a balanced position, you guarantee a profit regardless of whether the outcome happens or not. This way you will not suffer significant losses.

As the event takes place, continue to watch the odds so you can adjust your lay stake and odds if necessary in order to maintain a balanced position or to maximize your profits.

Balance your posis

This step is very crucial if you want to optimize your potential profits and manage your potential risk.

Monitor and Adjust

Now that you have placed both your back and lay bets and created a balanced position, the next step is ongoing monitoring and potential adjustments.

Keep a close eye on the odds and potential market changes throughout the event. Remember that the markets on betting exchanges are more dynamic and the odds can change rapidly in response to in-game developments, news or other factors.

If you notice significant shifts in the odds that favor your position, do not hesitate to make adjustments. This might be to place extra bets, cash out part of your position or lay more to further balance your position.

Make sure you stay informed about the event. Any new information or changes in the game, such as injuries, weather conditions, team tactics etc can impact the odds and your strategy.

Cash Out is useful when you want to secure a profit or limit potential losses based on the current odds. The cash out can be done partially or in full, depending on your preference. This is a very beneficial feature most betting exchanges offer that will often come in handy.

Letting your bets ride is usually best when you are confident in your position and you believe that the odds will continue to move in your favor until the event finishes. Doing so, you will have to wait until the final outcome to see the result of your bets.

The decision to cash out or let it ride depends on various factors, including your risk tolerance, the game situation, etc. It is important to learn how to keep a balance between locking in profits and leaving room for potential further gains.

Cash Out or Let it Ride

As the event takes place, you will have to face a decision on whether to cash out your bets or let them ride.

In a Nutshell

The Backing & Laying Strategy on betting exchanges lets you bet on what you think will happen and take advantage of changing odds. This is a flexible way to bet on sports and make a profit. But you need to remember that no strategy can guarantee you will always win. It is very important to be careful with your betting money and manage it wisely. With practice and a good understanding of how the markets work, you can use this strategy to improve your winning chances.